Seminar/ Conference
A total of 92 research papers with 14 Poster have been presented in this conference. Beside the paper and poster presentations there was a workshop session where young inventors have shown their inventions. It was a two days conference, in the first day it was finished with cultural program and in the 2nd day the conference has declared close with award giving ceremony. It was a great opportunity for all concerned sharing their scientific thoughts, ideas, theories associated with the global environmental problems and policies. For the last two years it was not possible to arrange such conference due to the deadly COVID pandemic. The conference provided discussions regarding the prevailing common environmental problems and furnished the novel researches in the field of environmental sciences. India and Bangladesh - the two neighboring countries have shared common climatic, physical and geographical conditions and definitely with some similar environmental problems. We hope that this bilateral conference helped to generate some ideas which will be helpful for the policy makers to create important implementations.