Mangrove Conservation and Restoration in Bangladesh
Once there were plenty of mangroves in the periphery of Sundarbans that created a buffer zone which was beneficial for coastal protection as well as for habitat of the wild animals and birds.
But that buffer zone is no
longer existed due to random cutting of mangroves for agricultural land extension, shrimp cultivation, household making, collecting fuel wood and free grazing of livestock.
Apart from this, coastal people are also disturbing the mangrove regeneration process by destroying the seedlings and seeds while catching shrimp fry as well as collecting seeds for cooking fuel.
So, the mangrove ecosystem in Bangladesh have come under severe pressure due to climatic and anthropogenic reasons. Due to the lack of mangrove coverage along the shore line, tropical cyclones sweep
across the Sundarbans, which are claiming many lives, destroying houses, damages agricultural crops and lands. In that regard, BEDS is trying to restore the mangrove through plantation and assisting
regeneration together with the coastal communities. BEDS regularly planting mangroves through involving coastal community in the coastal belt to create a mangrove buffer zone in the coast in order
to strengthen the embankment and creating shelter against natural calamities and alternative mangrove-based livelihoods for the coastal people.