Theme - Details

Environment and Ecosystem
Bangladesh covers diversified climatic zones and experiences an array of climate change impacts in last few decades. Human pressures together with changing hydrology and land resources have distinct impact on the production of food grain and resilience of ecosystems. The most threatened areas are coastal grasslands and ecosystems of the Sundarbans. Mangrove Forest (the Sundarbans) of Bangladesh is one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet are getting destroyed due to unsustainable resource harvesting Practices, climate change impact and People’s unconsciousness. Availability of freshwater is highly seasonal in this region, and water supplies become more threatened by higher temperatures, changes in river regimes, and greater incidence of coastal flooding. Major environmental issues here are biodiversity loss, impacts to the marine environment, atmospheric pollution, drinking water scarcity and degradation, soil erosion and land degradation and natural disaster. For all these reasons BEDS has been working with this thematic area.