News & Events Details

INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on Healthy Mangroves and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia
Khulna University and BEDS is going to organize International Symposium on “Healthy Mangroves and Sustainable Fisheries for Climate Resilient Coastal Community in South Asia” to be held during March 1 – 3, 2023 at Khulna University, Khulna. 250 national and international participants will participate in the symposium. The international symposium will feature sessions, panel discussions and poster presentation with the national and international scientist, researchers, academicians, environmental activist and students on food security, coastal aquaculture and tidal forest nexus; sustainable aquaculture and fisheries in South Asia; ecosystem approach linking coastal livelihood and biodiversity conservation; vulnerable context and coping strategies of coastal communities against climate change; inclusive and equitable market and value chain development and policy options for climate resilient coastal food system in South Asia.
Honorable guests, academicians and international chance of the symposium will get the change to explore the Sundarbans coastal region which offers close interaction with the IMA (Integrated Mangrove Aquaculture) pilot farms, observation of community-based fish processing, packaging and marketing facilities, visit the women empowered central mangrove nursery and explore BANOJIBI on mangrove-based livelihoods and integrated farming. To learn more about the event and for apply click here
Interested people can join virtually